Cat Shows


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Dearest members of the public, the Malta Feline Guardians Club, MFGC, wishes you all a happy and prosperous New Year and is proud to announce its 26th International Cat Show. This prestigeous show, the first of many to be hosted by the club this year, would be taking place in the magnificent ballroom of the […]

Cat Shows

Applications for the 26th International Cat Show

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[b]Dear cat lovers, the Malta Feline Guardians Club, MFGC, wishes you a most prosperous new year and invited you to register your beloved cats in order that they may participate in the 26th International Cat Show. This renowned event would be taking place in the Ballroom of the Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana on Sunday 23rd January […]

Cat Shows

Applications for the Grand International Cat Show

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Dear cat lovers, it is with greatest pleasure that the Malta Feline Guardians Club, MFGC, presents the Grand International Cat Show. This show would be the 24th and 25th International Cat Show of this prestigious club. This would be the last show for 2010 and with this show the club concludes five years of successfully […]