
Maine-Coon breed is one of the oldest of natural North-American breeds. This breed was first seen in the northeast state of Maine – location, where they were first found. Maine coon still remains state’s official breed in the cat world.

Very large and strongly build and the body forms an elongated rectangular. Legs are strong and high with a massive sharp outlined head with prominent “box-shaped” muzzle and large, straight-standing, tufted ears. Every feature in the Maine-coon looks like it was designed for life in extreme conditions of northern climate. Dense, water-repellent coat on tail and body, as well as lynx tips in ears give vital protection from cold and severe weather conditions, while fur in-between toes makes Maine-coon paws broad like snowshoes and saves gentle paw-pads from frostbite. Strong bone-structure, big size and formidable forms are essential. Big eyes and ears are good for survivability, as they increase environmental awareness. Long and prominent face helps getting food from holes and frost ponds and streams. The average body weight of the male varies from 9 to 12 kilos, while females weigh as little as 5-7 kilos. All-time record weights are 14-15 kilos. In the feline society, Maine-Coons are often referred to as “gentle giants”. Their coat is long, uneven, smooth to touch, flowing, with well-defined mane and pants. Undercoat is not dense. Fur is on the tail from base to tip and flowing.

The Maine-coon is an extravert, communicative, confident, strong and balanced cat. They are widely acknowledged as loyal companions, aiming to live with human, that is why, they usually choose a “special” member of the family to stick with. Though being modest and not care-dependent, they follow their human partner everywhere, always ready to join in any human activity. Maine-coons admire open spaces and active games. They are easily trained, plays and got on with other pets and kids.

The Maine Coon’s ages slowly, fully maturing by the age of three or four. Most Maine Coons can live up to 12-15 years and records show even up to 16.5 years. They are a healthy breed but they do occasionally suffer from hip dysplasia so a home with lots of stairs is not recommended. It is advised that when purchasing a Maine Coon to test parents or the cat itself depending on age for; SMA, HCM & PKDef. Maine Coons not care-dependent. They live well in a flat, although the house with a yard is preferred, for they need a lot of activity. They are extreme climbers, so a “cat tower” of some kind is strongly recommended. Their coat does not require often care, and can be groomed on a weekly basis, it also molts moderately. Maine-coon can be washed when needed, but not more than once every three weeks.

Feeding the Maine Coon with a “mixed diet”, consisting of dry food and natural products. The menu varies during their growth period in the first two years. Ingredients may include: dry food, meat, canned feline goods, dairy products and mashes. Their water bowl should be at least 30cm-wide and 10cm-deep, it should be always full, and the water should be changed at least twice a day. Due to the Maine Coons wide face, they do not like their whiskers touching the side of bowls. Any colour is acceptable except for chocolate, lilac, pointed, agouti (Abyssinian tabby). The Main Coon cannot be mated with any other breed.