What a day ! Another International cat show is over and we as a club are very satisfied with the numerous amount of people that came and visit our show at Tigne Point last Saturday.

The MFGC comittee would like to thank the three judges present on the day. These were Johann Lamprecht and Thea Lamprecht from South Africa. The third judge was Marco Pozzi from Italy. They did a marvellous job while judging these cats. We would also like to thank all the visitors that visited the show. Another big thanks goes also to all the helpers and the sponsors that without these helping hands a show like this cannot be possible.

Our next International cat show is going to be held on the 6th of April at the Savoy Shopping Arcade in Valletta. Applications are now open. One can send us an e-mail on [email protected], phone us on 9999 0022 or visit our face book page Malta cat shows. All breeds are welcome to participate in this show so take this opportunity and show your cat during this international cat show.