Attention to all the shopaholics around Malta and Gozo! The 39th International cat show is going to be held at one of the leading shopping complexes in Malta – The Point shopping complex. This show is going to be held next Saturday the 9th of February. It is going to begin at around half past ten in the morning and ends around half past seven in the evening.
The judges for this International cat show are going to be from South Africa and also from Italy. Mr Johan Lamprecht and Mrs. Thea Lamprecht both from South Africa and also Mr. Marco Pozzi that is from Italy. These three judges are going to judge the marvellous cats that are going to be presented during the day. Some of the breeds that are going to be presented during the show are Ragdolls, Exotics, Maine coons, Himalayans, Peterbald , Sphynx and also bob tails amongst others.
During this show we are going to announce the Best cat of the year 2012. This is given to the cat that won mostly during the year. Apart from this, awards for the Best Kitten and also the Best neutered cat will be awarded a trophy respectively. During the show 3 rings will take place – Kitten Ring, Neuter ring and also Adult ring. Different specialities are also going to be held during this show. The 2 main sponsors of the show are going to be Princess food and Micabliss Persians.
For more information you can visit our website, You can also like our facebook page Malta cat shows. One can also send an e-mail on [email protected] or call on 9999 0022. One must not also forget that those of you that would like to do any pedigrees, our club is the only club in Malta that can register your cats and kittens.

This show is going to be free of charge for all the public so if you would like to come and visit us feel free to do so. Hope to see you all there !